What happens when you delete a file?

Nowadays, many people were starting to delete a file including their n*d*s (if you know what I mean), storage isn't enough for them that's why they delete files. But in some reason, deleting files is not actually deleting, your keeping your file forever unless you will destroy your storage.

Go back when were the record tapes was born, the file that you will save in the tape is not erasable unless you cut them using scissors.

Deleting or moving them into the recycle bin/trash bin/trash is not what you were thinking now. Deleting a file then moving them into the recycle bin is a basic way to queue your file into deleting a file but even you delete it in the recycle bin, the file is still there.

Deleting a file is not actually delete.
For example you have an arrow pointing to you (just imagine that the arrow is the file) then if you delete a file, the arrow will not point to you anymore.
That's how file deletion works but you won't be able to recover the file 100% and some of your recovered files maybe corrupted already.

Re writable CD/DVD/Storage means to rewrite the old file not to delete the old file, there is no way to delete a file in this generation maybe in the future. So save your file and don't store some inappropriate or unimportant documents to prevent overwriting.

1 comment:

  1. This is interesting to read. thanks for letting us know this fact


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