BACKRUB was the first name of Google

Google is the number one website these days. Many people and companies are depending on the google search result.

Before being named after missed spelling for really large number, it was a research project called backrub. Although it wasn't the first search engine in the world.

Google has very unique algorithm for the search result, not just like the other search engines out there that they give results depend on how many times that words searched in a string appeared on a page.

Backrub works based on how many times the page linked to the other websites.

Google popularity was also boosted by their clean, simple and neat layout, compared to the other websites like yahoo. Their landing page and their advertisements are more uncomfortable to see but google sell ads too, but instead of putting a random ads, the ads will depend on what you search and it is not obvious that that's ads, sometimes you click it for sure.

Google become larger and larger these days, they have google maps, google earth, google street view, google fiber, calendar, hangouts, gchat, google voice, google translator, playstore, gmail, and much more.

Google has also a balloon that provides internet access to undeserved areas like mountains or any area that the mobile data can't reach on it.

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