Apple Inc. announces red iPhone 7 and 7 plus

Apple Inc. says that the specs of this red iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus are the same from the normal color of iPhone.

This new color iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus named as RED iPhone 7, Apple Inc. aims to reduce the spread of HIV and AIDS in the world by using Red Color.

The pricing will remains, 128GB and 256GB models retailing for $749 and $859.

By purchasing a iPhone 7, some of the percentage of your money will go to the HIV / Aids global fund.

This is the first Red color of an iPhone, so buy it and help the people who has HIV / AIDS


  1. Another color of Iphone? I'm still stuck with Iphone 4s. Nice phone though!

  2. Gosh, I do love this striking red colour. My pocket doesn't though! I have to waitttt!!!

  3. its good apple do some changes abt it

  4. OMG... RED colour! So regret for upgrading earlier. :p


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